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5 Coping Tips for the Sandwich Generation

The sandwich generation is comprised of those who have the responsibility of being a caregiver for their aging parent and raising their children. As you could imagine, this tends to cause some stress. It's hard to comprehend just how much without being in this situation yourself. Thankfully, these caring people are not alone. provides the following coping solutions for the sandwich generation.

  • Stay Organized. Maintaining a chaotic schedule is difficult, particularly when you are trying to juggle doctor appointments for your parents and soccer practice for the kids. Stay as organized as possible, and it will be a huge help.
  • Share the Load. Utilize your support system. Unfortunately, you are not a super hero. You need help getting everything done in time and other family members can step in to help caregiving and parenting.
  • Let Go of the Small Things. "Chose your battles" has never been as relevant than it is now. You could choose to add a ton of stress to your life by worrying about the small things or arguing over small issues. Or, you could decide to keep calm and let the small things pass without fighting.
  • Live in the Moment. Finally, while being both a caregiver and parent can prove to be extraordinarily difficult, enjoy the moment. Take time to appreciate the day you have and the time you have with your loved ones.

Being a member of the sandwich generation is both an honor and a huge responsibility. The above tips will help you maintain calmness and order while you are doing so much for your family. And of course, be patient with yourself. This is not an easy position, but you can do it!

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